Erratic Sleep And The Dustbin

The last couple of days have been pretty erratic and thus tiring, mostly because I currently cannot be left alone I needed to go to dialysis with my father and then wait for 3 hours in a van, and since he likes the mornings I usually end up awake at 5:30am. Then yesterday was physical therapy day as well, so not much time to blagh or even feel like it. On the weight loss front I’ve actually managed to gain three pounds or so and I attribute that to the erratic sleep and boredom/tired eating. Hopefully this week’s a bit better.

I’m going to the gym today and hopefully that works out for the best as well. I don’t think I have an eating problem so much as an activity problem, because I actually don’t eat that much. I just don’t do enough. And I don’t do enough because the weight really bogs me down. Rinse, repeat. So I’m hoping to change that this week as it’ll actually be pretty nice weather this week. No, I’m not making an excuse for any of this and yes, I realize I need to make changes. I also realize I need to weigh myself every day as I tend to forget myself if I don’t.

Sounds crazy and most would tell you that it actually discourages people because weight shifts every day and that’s true, mostly. But for me it puts it on my mind and makes me more motivated to lose it. I do think for everyone it’ a bit different, though, but for me it works as motivation and accountability. So onward with the day.

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